Serving Our Community
Registered CIO 118054
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Bramley Wickersley Lions (bwlions)
Bramley & Wickersley Lions Club granted official status 05/12/2011. We are a branch of Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest Voluntary Service Organisation.
The club covers East Rotherham and serves and provides help to local community needs.
We give our aid to community groups, schools, health agencies and to many individuals.
Above all we are ordinary people, just like you, who like working as a team towards the common goal of helping the community.
Our members come from all walks of life and we span ages 18 to 118.
Our aim is to serve but we also make sure that we have fun whilst doing so. We have a very active social side too.
We meet at 7:15 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each calendar month at Bramley Social Club, Cross Street, Bramley. Here we discuss club business and
plan our activities. Detailed planning is done more informally - usually in someone’s front room over a glass of “pop”!
Club Officers / Roles 2021-2022
Link to “our story so far “ video