Serving Our Community
Registered CIO 118054
Last Updated:
Bramley Wickersley Lions (bwlions)
Thousands of people help us every year. Without them we could not help the needy in our community.
They buy our raffle tickets, they support our events, they drop cash in our collecting tins. They share our fun.
Some want to be more involved. They want to help at our events, selling tickets, helping to look after the children, the disabled,
the elderly infirm on outings.
Some want to be at the cutting edge. Making the decisions. Planning events. Investigating cries for help. Helping decide how
we spend our funds. Being a member of Bramley & Wickersley Lions ………
There is no commitment. You can give as little or as much of your time as you wish. In return we will give you:
A wider circle of friends
A new interest in your life
The ability to help others
A useful and active role in your community
An active social life
Don’t delay ..... Contact us today.
If you shop online it would be of great help to us if you could do it through “GIVE AS YOU LIVE”. Click HERE for details.
You can shop through “GIVE AS YOU LIVE” without spending a penny extra, and they will give us a donation every time you
shop through them.