CLUB OFFICERS 2023 - 2024
Serving Our Community
Registered CIO 118054
Last Updated:
Bramley Wickersley Lions (bwlions)
Elected Officers
President – Tom Hesling
Chairs the regular club meetings. Represents the club in public, at presentations, and when visiting other clubs, where he or she is usually invited to
speak, giving his or her impressions of their meeting, etc.
Vice-President – TBA
Spends a year learning how to be a President, deputising for the president whenever he or she is unavailable.
Secretary – Andrew Davies
Deals with the official correspondence of the club, produces minutes of full meetings and sends a monthly report on club membership and activities to
the Region Chair, who passes copies on to Zone, District and International levels. It is normal to also appoint a minutes secretary to record meeting
minutes thus leaving the secretary free to attend to club business
Treasurer – Kevin Chalk
Keeps the club accounts and reports on the state of our finances at each meeting. Responsible for an annual audit and balance sheet, supplied to the
club, to the District Treasurer and, if requested, to the Charities Commission. Collects membership dues and pays the club subscriptions to District,
Multiple District and International.
Every year, usually in March or April, elections are held for the posts of Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. New officers take over their duties
with effect from the 1st July each year. The usual custom is for the Vice-President to automatically take the Presidency the following year.
Non-Elected Officers
It is usual to appoint a number of non-elected officers to take prime responsibility, but not exclusively, for the running and organisation of certain aspects
of the club, eg Fund-raising, Social, Welfare, IT, Message-in-a-bottle, spectacle collection etc. These roles are not mutually exclusive, and it would be
expected that all member of the club would contribute to some or all of these activities.
Trustees - Sue Drayson, Andrew Davies, David Jackson, Kevin Chalk, Stewart Bartram
Responsible for the governance of the club.