BRAMLEY AND WICKERSLEY LIONS CLUB Serving Our Community Registered CIO 118054
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Bramley Wickersley Lions (bwlions)
Webmaster: Odd-Socks
If you shop online it would be of great help to us if you could do it through “GIVE AS YOU LIVE”. You can shop through “GIVE AS YOU LIVE” without spending a penny extra, and they will give us a donation every time you shop through them. Follow this link to the GIVE AS YOU LIVE web site: On “GIVE AS YOU LIVE” site….just click on….’Lets start raising’...’Choose a charity’ Put in ”BRAMLEY & WICKERSLEY LIONS CLUB” and then create your account and start shopping at all your favourite places. Thank you very much for your support, it is appreciated by all our members and helps us to continue providing support within our community.